Svanhild Rohdin (14.07.76) Svanhild Rohdin
is mainly working as a painter, but also include installation, video installation, sculpture, stencils and more. She often works with projects she administrates in collaboration with other artists, companies and volunteers. A main vision of her work is to join people together. Together we can make impossible things come true
Svanhild grew up in a multicultural family. This has helped her gain an open mind and has given diverse inspiration. She has been very facinated by human, human feelings and their relations, all since she was a small child. She work through her own processes and life. By communicating this she wants to meet her audience on a personal level. She values existential questions, and wants to encourage others to contemplation and reflection to find their own ways.
Her main project the latest years is to gather keys from all over the world to make one big world key for PEACE, put together of all the keys you send: We all hold the key within ourselves to change the world!
In 2006 she held an exhibition in an old factory, an old cement pool in Slemmestad. The building had not been in use for 15 years, but the exhibition was agreat audience success. She has participated in exhibitions like "Gateway in an urban" by Norwgian form, "Kunst rett vest" and is decorating amongst others the public areas of "Holmsbu spa".
2001-2002 Teatcher in Art and Design, one year specialising drawing and painting, Oslo university college
1996-2000 Bachelor teacher in Art and Design, Oslo university college
1996 Examen philosoficum, University of Oslo.