The Key Project
You know that drops of water shaped the mountains? If you do, you understand you can influence the world and be important too. Your actions and words can be the key giving someone a better day, and maybe they further it again?
Do you want to join, showing something small can grow big?
Do you have a key no longer in use? The goal of the Key Project is to make the biggest keyopener of them all gathered of at least 1 million keys donated by committed people from all over the world. Together we spread the message about peace and unity.
Your key, no matter how small it is, can join and be a part of this message and together we can grow a key so big no one can ignore it. A key that opens HEARTS!
What´s your key for peace?
Do send me one key today:
Østskogen terrasse 29 B
3470 Slemmestad
…and tell your friends to do the same!!!
Remember to fill out customs declaration. Mark as: GIFT
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The artist, Svanhild Rohdin, has started a project where she wants to show what we can achieve if we work together. The key-project is meant to be a symbol for these believes. In 2006 the artist began to collect keys to an installation that was all about communication. These keys she soldered together. All those little keys that different people gave, formed a total of one. The key is dependent of all the other keys to form the major key sculpture. One day a refugee from Iraq visited the point of collection. He thought it was a fantastic project. He himself had experienced conflict and he meant that collaboration and communication could lead to solutions. What if we made a HUGE key, collected from all around the world as a reminder and awareness on collaboration and communication, a world-communication-key? This was a beautiful thought!
I believe that if each and every one of us chooses to show our commitment, WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD.
The sculpture is planned to be 7 meters (23 feet) high and displays a key consisting of the many different keys you send to me. The project will then be placed in a strategic location to promote the collaboration for a better world. (Your suggestions for locations are welcome.)
Please follow up and participate!
I want to thank Hamy Sveis AS and Böhler Welding Group for their kind support, expertise, and provision of workspace, materials and equipment.